Health Blog

Learn more about physiotherapy for arthritis at ProActive Physiotherapy today! May16th 2022

Why Is Physiotherapy For Arthritis Important?

Physiotherapy for Arthritis If you’ve been diagnosed with arthritis in places such as your knee, hip, shoulder, or other joints, then you may benefit from arthritis physiotherapy. At ProActive Physiotherapy, our licensed physiotherapists are trained in arthritis rehabilitation and can help you feel like yourself in no time! Our physiotherapists also use a combination of

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Woman waking up from TMJ Dysfunction May5th 2022

What Is TMJ Dysfunction And How To Fix It

The temporomandibular joints or the TMJ are two joints that connect your lower jaw to your skull. These are the joints that slide and rotate in front of each ear and consist of the mandible (lower jaw), along with the temporal bone (side and base of the skull.) Patients with TMJ disorders have a condition

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Vertigo and dizziness can be helped with physiotherapy at ProActive Physiotherapy in Edmonton, AB Apr19th 2022

Vertigo And Dizziness Can be Helped with Physiotherapy

Do dizziness and vertigo impact your day-to-day life? We’ve all stood up only to feel a sense of losing balance, feeling like we are swaying side to side, not being able to stand upright. Dizziness is very common and can have many causes. Your diet and nutrition, iron balance, and many other factors can also

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